Yesterday I began using my refurbished MacBook Air. My overwhelming excitement quickly faded upon the realization that I was unable to change the resolution settings on the display. On all previous macs I have used, you simply went into System Preferences -> Displays -> and just selected the resolution setting you desired.
To my surprise, this option was not available yesterday, but even more surprisingly (and timely), after installing the most recent software and firmware update available this morning, VOILA! within the displays area you can now easily change the resolution size.
Last evening I quickly realized that I was one of many who were greatly disappointed with the inability to change the resolution settings. I then followed the advice of many other frustrated mac users and downloaded a program called Tinker Tool, which ultimately didn’t completely solve my font size problems. Fortunately I only had to wait hours for this fix whereas many have been waiting months.
Though it seems the fix was long overdue, thanks Apple for the stress relief. Now we can all go on using our incredible Macs in comfort, no matter what resolution you require.